2024-12-23 03:22:34
I know who is here, and I say this in the most beautiful way: I know who is here, I know who is listening. I know who is reading. The clock that you know does not exist on my side of the veil. Your reality is not mine. Sometimes I speak of things that are in your future, that are happening to us now, based on the potentials that are the strongest. But we can interact: the two of us, because the strongest connection we will have will be what you would call Akashic Love. The connection is created over many lifetimes. The very core of the Soul that you have, that I know. And of course the friend that you are when you are not pretending to be human. Long before there were Planets and Galaxies, we were messing around together in the Universe: You and I. If you had any idea of what you had actually been through, long before you came here to this Gaia, you would know why you are here, because you know the bridge that you are about to cross. You would know of the good things that are in store for your children. You will know that the Legacy that you have left here with your imprint will be felt throughout the Galaxy for all time.
It is difficult to explain things that are beyond explanation. The attribute of what is the Source of Creation is that it has always been a force that has no time at all, always has. Time, then, is an attribute that is placed into all of this by the intellect of the corporeal man that exists in three dimensions. And they will look at all of these things and they will say: indeed, when did this happen? When will this happen? Where might it be? And all of these questions make no sense from my side of the veil. This is so important! And all of these potentials were only potentials, as I sat before you not long ago 22 years ago and opened my partner's mouth and he struggled to say the words. I am crying like a magnetic servant. And so we get to the basics. And in the lectures my partner describes things that are outside of your reality, so we will talk to him in terms that are multidimensional, so that you can then come to the realization that you have to push the boundaries of what you really think is real and that by pushing that boundary, you are expanding an element of your personality that you don’t even know you have, which is actually the Creative Source. It will take you into areas that you don’t know yet. And I laugh because it’s clear to us and it’s a mystery to you. But the mystery begins to become clear as you push back the walls of your room of reality. All these metaphors mean that at some level of the human being, you have to sit down with yourself and analyze what it is that you need to change. We begin to ask questions that are really really basic. Will you be able to move forward, is there anything that’s stopping you? Are there any blocks? How will you know? Can you just go for it? Here’s the premise: Like everything else you’ve ever done in your life, there has to be some recognition of preparation. Can you start mining the Akash as we’ve been telling you? Can you do it with pure intention? Yes! Can you start attracting things to you that will slow down your aging? Yes! Can you start actually changing your life so that you can start seeing a peaceful person where perhaps there is none now? Yes! Can you attract solutions to problems that you think are insoluble? Yes! But you’re going to have to prepare. And now we’re getting to the heart of the matter. Psychologists will look at this differently than we do, but you have to start taking stock, as they say, of who you are. And you have to take a very, very hard look at the fundamentals and ask yourself the hard questions. We have a list, and it’s five items. If you look inside yourself, are you ready? And you’ll say, “Yes, I’m ready,” and I’ll say, “Probably not.” I want you to look at the Masters of the Planet, and I want you to really study their lives, and I want you to say to yourself, “Am I ready?” It’s time for you to learn some of the qualities that all of them have taught you. It’s not that hard, dear ones. It all starts with understanding, acknowledgment, and intention. Here’s the list:
1) What are you afraid of? Fear number one. What are you afraid of? And you say, “I’m not afraid of anything.” I’m ready to go. I want to tell you something that you’re afraid of.” A lot of things that you don’t acknowledge and that you may not even know about, because it’s buried and hidden in your Akash, but it affects you every day of your life. That’s why so many of you are dysfunctional, you carry things from the past that get imprinted in the place of your behavior, that makes you move the other way when you see something coming that you don’t like. That’s fear. And it may not be number one, but it is fear. And so that’s number one: what does it change, who you are, what can you do, and where can you not go? And the answer is, “oh, yeah.” And you say, “Well, wait a minute, Koayon,” and I say, “Wait a minute.” I’ll talk about that in a minute. 2) Ego. Well, Kryon, you don’t have to worry about that. I decided that years ago. In fact, let me ask you something: When you are with other lightworkers, what do you talk about, sit and listen and enjoy the beauty of what they are saying, or you talk about what you are doing, you talk about how you have been working on yourself, you talk about your processes. This is a form of ego, dear ones. If you didn’t know this, perhaps you are proud of how much you have accomplished in your work on yourself, when you can’t wait to blurt it out to everyone. So I’ll give you an exercise: The next time you go out to dinner, the next time you go out with friends, here’s your challenge: find out if this is hard or easy? Don’t say anything about yourself unless asked, that will tell you what your habit is. Some of you will dump it on the table for everyone to hear whether they want to hear it or not. And this is the Ego of the lightworker, proud of what he has done. And the Masters of Earth, did they do this? And when they gathered with others, you heard them speak of themselves. And the answer is No. They sat at the feet of those who came to them, and they listened, taught them, fed them, and loved them.
3) What about anger? And you say, well, I don't get angry often. That's not what I'm talking about. What are you angry about and why? What is the cause? Why is it there? What was the cause of the Master's fear? I'll give you the answer: They didn't have an answer, really, really. They were frustrated! And what frustrated them was what frustrated many of you. War frustrates us, inhumanity frustrates us, imbalance frustrates us. What are you angry about? What will it bring out in you? And you know what it is. If you have something that will always make you angry, you have something to work on. Don't you? And you say, well, wait a minute, cry, you see, it's not my fault. I'm going to say, "Wait a minute, I'll get to that later." 4) Number Four: Reactions. What do you react to? What is it that you can't wait to get your two bits in? Maybe it's politics, somebody says something, you have something to say. Your reaction. What sets you off? Not an angry reaction. I'll tell you one reaction is defensiveness. If Sub City says something about you and it's not true, clearly not true because of their ignorance or their lack of understanding. You react, you want to clear them up, maybe you want to tell them to get on the right path, maybe, and how much of this have you seen in the Masters that walk this planet. Dear ones, when they were accused, you saw them fly off the handle and lecture him about what they were doing wrong. The answer is no, there were no triggers, there were no triggers, there was no reaction. You noticed the Masters were complete and completely calm. Somebody said something political, you better work on that. Wait a minute, it's not my. My fault. You know, Kryon, because I'm going to say, wait a minute. Kryon," and I'll say, "Wait a minute." I'll talk about that in a minute.
2) Ego. Well, Kryon, you don't have to worry about that. I decided that years ago. In fact, let me ask you something: When you're with other lightworkers, what are you talking about, sitting and listening and enjoying the beauty of what they're saying, or you're talking about what you're doing, you're talking about how you've been working on yourself, you're talking about your processes. That's a form of ego, dear ones. If you didn't know it, maybe you're proud of how much you've accomplished in your work on yourself, when you can't wait to blurt it out to everyone. So I'll give you an exercise: The next time you go out to dinner, the next time you go out with friends, here's your challenge: Find out if this is hard or easy? Don't say anything about yourself unless you ask, that will tell you what your habit is. Some of you will throw this out on the table for all to hear, whether they want to hear it or not. And that is the ego of the lightworker, proud of what they have done. And the Masters of Earth, did they do this? And when they gathered with others, you heard them speak of themselves. And the answer is No. They sat at the feet of those who came to them, and they listened, taught them, fed them, and loved them.
5) Do you judge anything? Anything! When you look at others, what is the first thing you see? And you say, "I'm not a judgmental person." I didn't ask you what you see. What do the Masters see when they look at someone? They see God within. That's the first thing they see. No matter what the situation, no matter where they are, no matter what the context is, somebody cuts you off on the freeway. Do you see the god within them? You see what I'm saying? What is your trigger, Dear Ones. We make assumptions. And man has his, and so now I'll let man speak, and he'll say, "Well, you don't understand, I came with these things, and I've tried to unlearn them all my life, and yes, I know I'm judgmental, and sometimes I get angry, and sometimes I react, and I can't help myself, prayers. This was taught to me by one of my parents and it is ingrained in my consciousness. I cannot contain the fact that I do certain things the way I do them because I am who I am, Kryon. I am a human being and I am not really a Master! And so you have to give me a break, because these are human qualities." I'm going to tell you that it's time for you to understand what this is. It's an engram pattern of how you came in that is asking to change, asking to change. And every excuse that you give, I'm going to tell you that the Masters are going to look at you and say you don't need it. Why don't you get rid of it. You're making the assumption that it's there forever. You're attaching it to your persona and that's the way it is. And you're wrong. And so what I'm telling you in this short channel is, dear ones, every single item on the list that we're going to go through again in a minute was given to you to change, and in changing these things, this recalibration of your core personality will get you there faster than anything, it will get you there faster than anything to become more Quantum to move in your life towards the things that you really want. You're clearing those Boulders so that you can move forward in all that we have taught. If you don't clear the way, it will be more difficult. Psychiatrists and psychologists, God bless these people, because they work with other people and try to help them in their lives. They are dedicated, absolutely dedicated. The interesting thing about psychologists and psychiatrists is that most of them are unbalanced, and that is what has brought them to the conundrum of helping humanity, because they see it in themselves, they know what it is, they study it, they correct it, they move forward, they teach it. It is common knowledge. But if you ask them what they do, they will say we work with a static model of human behavior. We try to undo some of the things that the person has done. We look at his past, we try to put a band-aid on it through conscious awareness, through realization, through practice, through repetition. A 12 step program if they need it, getting rid of addictions, fears, all of these things are based on a static model that can never change. And that, my dear man, is the difference between what was and what is. What we are telling you now, and now we will go through the list again, is that everything that has happened in your life can be rewritten. You cannot change the past, but you can change how you react to it. The very things that you would use as an excuse for why you do what you do will then belong to someone else and not to you, because you will begin to rewrite the actual engrams of your personality. More accurately representing the Masters of History, and you will find that as you begin, it will not be so difficult. What are you afraid of? All of these fears that you carry around subconsciously, based on past life experiences. What are you avoiding? What are you unwilling to do? All of these things, some of which are inexplicable to you, can be cleared, and we have given this process before. You start by actively asking questions, and then you start practicing these things and going into places that you don’t want to go. You actively start bypassing areas that you would never go into if you were shy. You start talking to people without asking how they are. Pretty soon you realize that it is easier than you thought. Pretty soon you stop avoiding things, because what is innate in your body, the intelligence of the body starts cooperating with that desire for you to erase the fears that are in the subconscious, and they will go away. Guaranteed! You will not hide them with a program. They will go away, because you are going to overwrite the information that was used to be there with the new information that you are going to create. Ego will never be an issue, you will be proud of yourself in a proper way, and you will never have to tell anyone how proud you are, because Spirit knows and is proud, Isn't that enough for the love of God to carry you from place to place and say, "God bless you, we are so proud of you, we love you," and that should be enough that you will never have to tell anyone anything about what you have done unless they ask, there is no desire to spill it out, and you will never want to, never again will you start a conversation about who I am and this is what I did and this is what I did, maybe even under the guise of self-help. This is how I helped myself. You won't have to do that, because you will be complete without it. It doesn't fit everyone in the room, but it fits some of you and some of these things are hard to hear.
Anger is a product of the past. You get angry because something triggers anger. What you have in you that reacts is information that you have programmed in this life, in the past. It doesn't matter where it is. You are programmed and you know it because it makes you angry. You actually react emotionally. Your chemistry begins to change. You have to admit, it's pretty deep. I wish you could remove the trigger. If you rewrite the information, you will never be angry. You can be frustrated and you know how you can tell there will never be a chemistry of rage. All that stuff that makes your heart beat faster, that makes you swell, that makes your mind literally block, will disappear on its own. And there will be no trigger for anger. Anger will be something that is not one of the attributes of your life, and you will begin to understand over time. Frustration? Yes! Sadness? Empathy? Compassion? Yes. But not anger. We have talked many times in the past about whether it is possible to reach a point where a person can point at you and call you names and accuse you of things that are not true and you can look them in the eye and the only thing you feel is that you are sorry they are having a bad day. No anger and no reaction.
Number four: no reaction. Whether it is possible to reach a point where the things that you would normally react to, you no longer react. It no longer controls you. Reaction is an automatic response to programming in your Personality attribute that you have no control over. You automatically defend yourself. You automatically speak up when you hear something you don’t like. What if you could rewrite that Ingram? Oh, you may disagree, but why should you react, why should you defend anything? It is another person’s idea of you, it is not you, what is there to defend! When God loves you as much as we do and sees you as a Divine being walking this planet in perfection, learning a lesson every day, isn’t that enough for you? If a person accuses you unfairly, you can be disappointed, you can be compassionate and not react. Is that right? You do not need to know what judgment you will pass on those who will falsely accuse you. There are certain words that you may have used in the past. How do you judge those who are ignorant or perhaps uninformed and will go and do certain things? What is your judgment of those who do not believe in what you believe in? And how do you see them? That is one of the most important things, dear ones. Whether you believe or not, how does God see them? How does the Master see them? Millions of people who believe in certain spiritual things that you do not necessarily attribute. And what do you see in them, in their zeal? What do you see? I will tell you what the Masters see, and let that be your test. Blessed is the man who finds God anywhere and in any way that suits his path. Do not judge the one who does not find God, as you have found God, old soul. Because whatever they find is good enough for their journey, and for now, celebrate the fact that they even want to go there and find the Creator within in whatever way they do. If they want to climb the steps, crawl and cry, if they want to attribute it to the prophet they are looking for the same thing you were looking at, and they are on their own journey in their own time, look at them with compassion, understanding and joy. That is how God sees them, old soul!
Five things that we ask you to look at within. We are getting to the basics, aren't we? Each of the five you begin to clear these these things if even one of them is out of balance, I will tell you. Dear ones, you will have trouble moving forward and we have not said this before these are the qualities that we want you to work on within yourself and when you achieve even a partial correction of any of these, even the intention begins. It is as if a door opens and the things that you have asked for begin to settle down. I would not tell you these things if they were not accurate. This is a system in its best practice, which is Mastery with the examples that have been given to you in history, that will begin to change who you are to move into who you will be. And it will change the Earth and it will change the Earth! And that is the task of the old soul today.
I want to talk about something that is so deeply dramatic for the time. It is time to talk about these things. I want to talk about several things tonight. One thing leads to another. There is a plan, dear ones, for this Galaxy. And right now, this is the center of the plan. The only planet of free choice is you. That means the only planet out of the billions in this Galaxy that has some kind of Soul, a Soul that is aware, that was seeded with the knowledge of light and dark and has the ability to decide where they go. High vibration, low vibration, or no influence of God, but free choice is what creates the person in this audience who still does not believe that it is true free choice. And you have it. The planet was created that way. The very creation story that you have is the story of the Pleiadians, who were an enlightened Planet, who had the Creative Source in their DNA, sharing it with you so that you had the choice to go forward or not. This is the Galactic Soul Plan. You may not understand, dear ones, so let me just say it: Can't you feel God within on some level? Can you feel the eternity of your soul? Did you know that 85% of this planet believes in an afterlife, no matter what their belief system, it includes an afterlife, not wishful thinking, but an intuitive, absolutely intuitive truth. When you leave this planet in a physical form, there is a part of you that is eternal and remains in the universe. Call it whatever you want, whatever you think, it is more complex than whatever you think of the human soul. It is grander and bigger than you can imagine. There is a soul plan for everyone in the Galaxy.
There is something new happening, very new since 2012. How can I describe it so that it is brief and real to you and you say, "I get it, it's complicated!" It was January of 2013 and my partner got a call a person on his team had died and my partner hung up and he was crying. "It wasn't time yet," he said. "It was wrong," he said. This person was doing everything right in the scheme of what we believe. He said He was a teacher and a healer. And my partner was angry with God. Angry with God! This is not a time to channel, by the way. Almost everyone here has been angry with God at some time. And anger is frustration with the way things are because they seem out of sync with Love, out of sync with Love. And you say, "How could that be?" What possible reason could there be for a person to leave this planet? It had to be an accident. It wasn't. His heart just stopped beating. Many of you have had that situation where you lose someone, a partner, a friend, a sister, a brother, a parent. And it's not a time, like there was ever a good time. There was no time. And you stop for a moment and in your sadness, you shake your head and say, "What possible reason?" It's out of sync with love. There's anger, there's frustration, but you don't believe it, you're in denial, it's been hurting your heart for a long time. You've been with it. My partner has had it. It just happened here, so I want to show you something about what. You didn't think I shared this with my partner about his team member Sid that we lost and my partner is still in denial about why that should be. I don't expect you to understand, I just want you to know there is a maturity in what I'm going to call "the new energy of soul planning." What's most important to you? It's staying alive. It's staying alive and shining your light. We have said this over and over again for 26 years. For all of humanity, extending life, staying on the planet, changing the very dirt of the Earth because you are here and you are vibrating higher. You are important, we have told you. You matter, we have told you. And then, long before it is time, you may lose someone dear to you who is doing everything right, everything right. And you are angry at God. There is nothing but Love on this side of the veil, no matter how you feel, but I want to make you even more enlightened. I don’t expect you to understand, I just want you to know that what you have done on this planet is shift the future. By crossing the line in 2012, you are shifting the potential of what is to come. And for that future to manifest with the perfection that it needs, it needs an army of lightworkers who are profound. Soul Planning. You are losing some of the deepest personalities and beautiful people on this planet, and they are leaving early. And I will tell you why. Because we need them for the future, we need them right now, to come back to this planet, to be born soon. It is time to grow up so that they can play their part in a new future for Earth: a gentle, compassionate beautiful future. Oh, we need them. It is not a sacrifice or a comfort to you to know that you will meet them again. You will be there, you will all be there. This is the cycle of life from which souls are Eternal Great Central Source comes to Earth in a lesson, leaves Earth and comes back, and goes on and on and on. This is the basis of spiritual reality. In your akashic apparatus right now, you have so many lifetimes, you feel it. Do you understand it? Do you know it? I want you to feel it and acknowledge it - you are part of this system, as an ancient soul. You are passing the mark, and everything is changing. There is more Soul planning going on than ever before in human history because before you passed this mark it was just a repeat of the old energy. You come and go, little happens, you come and go, little changes, thousands of years of the same energy, the same wars, the same hatred, the same human nature and suddenly it changed. What was the focus when she was alive? What was her Focus? What were the names of the books that she helped right. What was her Focus? The great shift the transition of Consciousness here a mature Soul is ripe and ready for the future and we needed her to do the cycle. My partner's teammate is sitting in 2013. We needed him. We needed him to grow up and be my partner's Guide in 75 years. The potential of the planet is ripe. Let me explain that it is almost acceptable. It is the reality unmanifested it is sitting there starting to build itself up. Soul Planning Potential, can you take a deep breath with the Souls you have loved and lost who are here and say: it is okay. It is okay.
I want to repeat something I said in my partner's language not long ago in Israel to give you hope and it is something so esoteric. There are those who will roll their eyes and say I'm not quite sure I understood this part. This is Advanced Information on how things work in this galaxy. I want to ask you a question. You have two types of time: BCE and CE. What happened? Who changed the clock and why did time start over after the death of the prophet. What happened? It would have to be something very important for historians to go back and restart the clock. You notice I have a prophecy: it will take several years, generations to realize what happened on your clock in 2012. They will begin to understand why the Mayans restarted their calendar in 2012. And they will look back and say that everything before 2012 will be called the Age of Barbarians and everything after 2012 will be called the Age of Compassion and eventually I predict that those who are in charge of the clock of the planet will have another set of initials that will count it down from 2012. The spiritualists defined the first age as the Age of Law. And then the master of Love came and it became the Age of Love. Now you have changed this planet again with the prophet that is within and is called the Age of Compassion. The Mayans reset their calendar and you will too someday. That is how profoundly unsurprising this is. We need souls is what I want to tell you. When you look up at the sky and you think about the stars, can you really doubt if there is life there? My partner talked about the bell curve of chance.
Vy deystvitel'no verite, chto iz milliardov sistem solnechnoy sistemy - eto yedinstvennaya, v kotoroy yest' zhizn'. Net. Kolokoloobraznaya krivaya yest' vezde, vklyuchaya zvezdy. Vselennaya ob"yedinyayetsya s zhizn'yu s dushami. Nekotoryye iz nikh kak vasha imeli vozmozhnost' prinimat' resheniya nekotoryye net i nekotoryye iz nikh prinyali te zhe resheniya chto i vy my govorili vam ran'she, chto pleyadeantsy eto vashe semya biologiya chto u vas vnutri yest' sloi DNK, kotoryye prinadlezhat im. Oni seyut vas yest' dokazatel'stva. Vy kogda-nibud' slyshali o nedostayushchem zvene biologov? Chto eto takoye? Eto sliyaniye khromosomy 2 i 3 v odnu. Eto dayet cheloveku kak vy yego znayete segodnya 23 khromosomy vmesto obychnykh 24, kotoryye yest' u obez'yan. Chto-to sluchilos'. Biologi dazhe nazvali eto nedostayushchim zvenom chego-to ne khvatayet o net tam ne tak li, eto v Semi Sestrakh. Oni izmenili eto. Eto istoriya sotvoreniya mira. Ona metaforizirovana s Adamom i Yevoy, obmen rebrom, vse metafory v tom, chto vy poluchayete drugoy vid biologii i Bozhestvennosti vnutri. Eto istoriya sotvoreniya mira. Vot o chem ya khochu, chtoby vy zadumalis'. Vy - pervaya tsivilizatsiya v galaktike, kotoraya proshla cherez eto? O, dorogiye moi, eto natyazhka, ne tak li? Eto proiskhodilo snova i snova, i snova, i snova, vy prosto Novichki v kvartale. Ne nakhodite li vy neobychnym, chto Zemle mozhet byt' 4 milliarda let, a vy tol'ko chto syuda popali? Chelovechestvo sushchestvuyet vsego mgnoveniye. Kak vy dumayete, vozmozhno li, chto u drugikh tsivilizatsiy byli milliony let do vas? I u nikh yest' takoye. Kakoye sovpadeniye, chto eta planeta tol'ko chto poyavilas' s lyud'mi? Eto sovsem ne sovpadeniye. Ona byla sproyektirovana takim obrazom. Mmozhet li byt', chto u drugikh tsivilizatsiy yest' stroitel'nyye bloki zhizni, kotoryye yavlyayutsya DNK? Kogda vy nachnete otkryvat' zhizn' i vy obnaruzhite yeye v etoy solnechnoy sisteme, vy naydete mikrobnuyu zhizn' i nemnogo bol'she, i chast' iz etogo budet v vode na nekotorykh lunakh, vy zatem proanaliziruyete dlya nekotorykh planet, na kotoryye vy smotrite, i kogda vy razberete yeye, vy naydete DNK. Da, ona mozhet ne vyglyadet', kak vasha, no DNK dazhe na etoy planete prisutstvuyet vo vsey zhizni. U ovoshchey ona budet, u ryb ona budet. Kak i u vsego ostal'nogo, chto zhivet v Galaktike. Pochemu eto dolzhno byt' po-drugomu, dorogiye? Pochemu vy dolzhny byt' drugimi? Fizika yest' fizika. DNK postroyena s pomoshch'yu fiziki i khimii, kotoryye rasprostraneny povsyudu. Da, mogut byt' raznyye gravitatsii, raznyye atmosfery, raznyye vidy DNK, no struktura formiruyet yeye sama po sebe yestestvennym obrazom, kak i vasha, po tem zhe prichinam, po kotorym eto sdelala vasha. Fizika odinakova po vsey Galaktike.
Do you really believe that out of the billions of systems in the solar system this is the only one that has life in it? No. The bell curve is everywhere including the stars. The universe is merging with life with souls. Some of them like yours had the ability to make decisions some did not and some of them made the same decisions you did we told you before that the Pleiadians are your seed biology that you have layers of DNA inside you that are theirs. They are seeding you there is proof. Have you ever heard of the missing link of biologists? What is it? It is the merging of chromosome 2 and 3 into one. It gives man as you know him today 23 chromosomes instead of the usual 24 that apes have. Something happened. Biologists even called it the missing link something is missing oh no there isn't it in the Seven Sisters. They changed it. That is the creation story. It's metaphorized with Adam and Eve, the exchange of a rib, all the metaphors are that you get a different kind of biology and the Divinity inside. It's the creation story. That's what I want you to think about. Are you the first civilization in the galaxy to go through this? Oh, dear ones, that's a stretch, isn't it? It's happened over and over and over and over again, you're just the new kid on the block. Don't you find it extraordinary that the Earth could be 4 billion years old and you just got here? Humanity has only been around for a moment. Do you think it's possible that other civilizations had millions of years before you? And they do. What a coincidence that this planet just showed up with humans? It's not a coincidence at all. It was designed that way. Could it be that other civilizations have the building blocks of life that are DNA? When you start to discover life and you find it in this solar system, you will find microbial life and a little bit more, and some of that will be in the water on some of the moons, you will then analyze for some of the planets that you look at, and when you take it apart, you will find DNA. Yes, it may not look like yours, but DNA even on this planet is present in all life. Vegetables will have it, fish will have it. So will everything else that lives in the galaxy. Why should it be any different, dear ones? Why should you be any different? Physics is physics. DNA is built by physics and chemistry that is prevalent everywhere. Yes, there may be different gravity, different atmospheres, different types of DNA, but the structure forms itself naturally, just like yours did, for the same reasons that yours did. The physics is the same all over the galaxy. Is it possible that other civilizations have gone through what you are going through right now? Is it possible that the Pleiadians had a terrible history, much deeper than yours. They have been here a very long time in this Galaxy. They came from nothing. An old energy that destroyed itself more than once with up to three Holocausts of genocide and I want to tell you what happened. The same thing is happening here. Through free choice they eventually got it and they made a decision. I don’t want to tell you how long ago it was because I don’t want to discourage you. It took some time for the Consciousness to become compassionate, different and today they mark their time on the calendar from when it happened, when they grew up, when they matured, just like you. What I want to tell you dear ones is that we have seen this process over and over again. It is not new! It is not new! There was Soul Planning there too. You also know that there is a finite number of souls in the Great Central Source. And that means that all of you, all of you, all of you, played a role in past civilizations before humanity. It’s missing from your Akosh right now – you don’t see it, you don’t know it, but some of you know on some level, this is not really your planet. Don’t raise your hand! It’s intuitive, isn’t it? And here’s another thing that’s intuitive – the ancient Soul is waking up right now, and they’re starting to analyze it and they’re saying, “I remember this, I remember this,” and when you start to realize that this has happened before, it’s not a mystery. It’s not something random, it starts to make sense. And even if you don’t know what’s coming next, you remember that it has a good ending. And you’ve been through it, you’ve been through it. And you’re going through it again. I am giving you this information and this story so that it can begin to make sense that this could be on this planet, that there is a future beyond your understanding where human nature is very different than it is now, where greed is not what it is now. In fact, greed is what it used to be. Balance, compassion, maturity, this is what you are striving for with human nature. And you can't believe it because you've never seen it, but generation after generation after generation, we will begin to find answers to problems that seemingly have no solution and never had in the ancient energy. We have given so many examples of this. Now is not the time again, but just to say this: You are awakening to an energy that some of you remember, I want you to relax and understand that you are sitting on the edge of the precipice of knowledge, wisdom, awareness and invention again, and I want you to relax with those that you have loved and lost, but they are relaxing with it right now, so many here are looking at you and saying that love is the way to a better Earth, a much better Earth.
And so it is.
Author: Kryon
Delivered by: Ruslan Klimov